Saturday, 16 June 2012

Peppers, peas, and potatoes... Oh My!

Today was a good day to potter about in the garden - there have been quite a few changes to the plants as the garden has grown.  I discovered that the shallots I'd located behind the potatoes were too shaded, so I shifted the potatoes to the back, and the shallots to front.  While I was shifting I realized that my potatoes were quite unhappy.  I planted three potatoes per bin, which was apparently too many.  In an effort to save them, I yanked them up, pulled off a boat load of beautiful new potatoes, and replanted one plant per container.... more on that in a future post.

Anyway, while all the potato destruction was going on I noticed that one of my peppers was hiding.  $20 for the person who finds it first.......

Found it yet?  No?  I guess that was the problem.  He was pretty small when I planted him, and clearly didn't catch up before the others got started.
Find the baby?

I was just going to leave him, after all, plants in the wild have to fend for themselves all the time.  Right?  But as I sat there, staring down at his innocent leaves I realized I couldn't be the person who leaves an innocent pepper to death and dispair.  I mean look at him.  He just wants to be as tall as the others!
Here he is!
And so, I found another pot and relocated him to a new part of the garden.  Look at him all proud and happy.  He's already made friends with the purple basil .... I just know it!
Proud and happy in a new part of the garden
So, after dealing with the shallots, potatoes, and baby pepper, I figured I'd better take another look at my kingdom, seeing as the various tenants didn't seem as happy as they looked.  Thankfully the other group that was unhappy was the peas.  I had hoped they would climb up the solitary bamboo pole, but they chose to despair.  I don't have a trellis, and had already used up the two tomato cages I own, so I decided to do a makeshift string trellis.  It may not be a thing of beauty and a joy forever, but the peas are quite happy about it.  They are already working their way up to the main trellis.

Makeshift string trellis
Last but not least, I allowed a sweet potato slip to immigrate to the garden.  I'm fresh out of pots, so I decided to plant her in a canvas Zehr's bag.  She's quite happy to be out of water and in to actual dirt.  I'm hoping she has a growth spurt and I get a sweet potato or two for my trouble, however, considering it apparently takes 5 - 8 weeks to grow slips, I'm impressed I've managed to get a sweet potato with foliage in to the ground before July 1st.

Sweet potato slip - just planted

With the addition of the pepper pot and the sweet potato bag, my total count is up to 34 pots and 1 grow bag.  I'm pretty impressed it all fits up there... and I still have room to sit.

Happy growing :)

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